Coworking, Event and Membership FAQs

The House

  • Absolutely! We are open Monday - Friday from 9 am - 6 pm. Feel free to pop on by when you can or reach out to or 737-389-2552 if you prefer to schedule a specific day and time.

  • We are open for co-working Monday through Friday from 9 am to 6 pm. The House holds member events during other times as well, and all events can be find in the member app for specific days and times.

    Members are welcome to rent the Fiona Room hourly for private meetings and events, which may be held during coworking hours or on nights and weekends. Room availability and sign up are available in the member app.

  • No you may not. We are not an event venue. Maeve House is a private social club for coworking and for member events that we host.

    Members are welcome to rent the Fiona Room (our large meeting room) at any time and day for an hourly fee. The fee includes access to the kitchen, one bathroom and the back lawn. You can easily reserve and rent this room through the member app.

  • We love dogs so much that the House is named after our youngest dog, Maeve. However, dogs are living, breathing (peeing, shedding, drooling, noisy) creatures. We, therefore do not allow dogs at Maeve House to be considerate to our community as a whole.

  • Yes! You are welcome to have food delivered or bring food. We do ask that no eggs or fish are brought into the building to be considerate to the community as a whole, but we have a lovely back lawn if those are in your meal.

    You are welcome to use the refrigerator, freezer, microwave, dishes and dishwasher and if you are having an event, there is space to set up buffet style eating as well.

    We provide complimentary coffee, tea and water to members.

  • Guests are welcome to visit Maeve House for a Drop-in fee of $25/day for a maximum of 3 days. After 3 visits, if you enjoy Maeve House, we encourage you to join as a member and become part of the community.

    Out-of-town visitors are welcome to contact us at for longer visits.

    If the Member is not a Full-Time Member and wishes to work on a day not part of their membership schedule, they may do so if space is available. They will be charged the drop-in fee of their membership level for the use of the Premises of $15/day for Part-Time Members and $20/day for Community Members.


  • If the event is open to the public, you are welcome to attend three ticketed events if you are not a member.

    If the event is a Maeve House event open to members only, you may contact or 737-389-2552 to inquire about attending as a potential member.

    If the event is a private event held by a member, the member holding the event is welcome to invite guests, and you may attend only if invited by the member.

  • Unless a Maeve House event states otherwise in the event description, you are welcome to bring a guest to an event. For events open to the public, you will see an invite button on the event page. You are welcome to share that with a friend. If the event is not public, please reach out to Sierra or Adam with the name of the guest so they can reserve a spot for them.

  • All members receive a link to our app upon joining. In the app, you will find all of the events (scheduled 1-2 months ahead), a directory of members and many more useful things. When you open the app, the events are right there in a scrolling list and register with a click and then receive an email with an add to calendar.

    You can also see who is signed up and if you sign up for an event and cannot make it, you can just as easily click to unjoin as well.

  • If you are a current member and would like to recommend an event idea for members, please email us at with your idea.

  • If you are a member, we would love to hear what you want to see and experience at Maeve House! Please email or grab Sierra or Adam at the house and tell them what you're thinking!


  • You can start your membership for the day you sign up, or select a day in the coming weeks to begin. All Maevies who sign up as members in the month of October, will remain founding members until membership cancellation.

    Founding members receive 10% off of the membership price for each level.

  • Yes! In fact, we use the term “team” and when you sign up, you automatically are on a team, if just you, then a team of 1. If you have employees or people you work with that you would like to be invoiced for, you can easily add (and remove) team members as well. Each person manages their own account, but teams have one person who is the admin over billing and team members.

  • The Fiona Room is our largest meeting room at 422 sq ft and available for members to book by the hour during regular hours, nights and weekends.

    The room is set up day to day with a conference table with 10 chairs. There are also two club chairs and a bench. The conference table separates into 4 square tables and can be configured a variety of ways, including as 4 tables with 4 chairs each. The furniture in the room is able to be removed. There are also folding chairs in addition to the 16 conference room chairs which can be set up in rows for presentations.

    The room is equipped with AV equipment, a rolling white board and can be darkened.

    The room has it's own entrance and opens to a kitchen and off of the kitchen is a bathroom, and a door to the back lawn. We love being creative at Maeve House and will happily help you configure the room to suit your needs.

  • The Abby, Mora, and Faye Rooms can be used to gather for meetings if not in use. Abby is 127 sq ft and has a couch and has a standing counter style desk that fits three. Mora is 115 sq ft and has a standing-height counter style desk that fits two and a large table for six. Faye is 251 sq ft and has a large table for 6 as well as a few stools and tables around the room.

  • No. Maeve house was designed as a community focused, event based, open coworking space. The work spaces are first come, first serve and available to all members. The Bessie, Abby and Mora rooms allow more privacy if you prefer an intimate feel, or more quiet, but they are not private.

  • Please be respectful of the community when on the phone. You are welcome to be on the phone in the main rooms, but we encourage loud calls to be taken to the patio and back lawn, the Bessie Book Nook or to the Fiona or Faye rooms if not in use.

  • Yes! We offer complimentary printing for members via a wifi printer. We ask that if you print many pages, you drop a tip towards ink and paper costs in the Maeve House Venmo jar.

  • Yes! You have full access and control over your membership in the app. It is simple to change or cancel your membership. Please note that refunds are not provided if membership is changed or canceled mid-month.

    If you are a Community or Part-Time Member and wish to add coworking days, you are welcome to do so. You will be charged your level of discounted day fees the day you are at Maeve House.

    We do not pause memberships at this time, and if you cancel a founding membership, you will lose the founding member rate.

  • You are welcome to cancel at anytime through the membership app, Coworks, or contact for assistance.

  • Your reoccurring monthly membership covers your membership coworking days and any member events included in your membership.

    Additional charges will apply if you choose to book the Fiona Room hourly, purchase a snack, add drop-in days, attend an event with a fee, become a sponsor, or buy merch. You will not be charged for any of these fees without your consent.

  • If you sign up for an annual membership, you will save 20% per month. When you click any of the three membership, Become A Member buttons, you will go to the check out page for that level. There is a link to select the annual plan option on that page.

    Additionally, we offer 10% discounts on monthly plans for veterans and teachers. If either of these apply to you, stop by Maeve House with valid identification and we will set you up!